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Morally-explicit Art is a movement for social change.

Photo: Xuan Nguyen on unspash.com

Morally-explicit Art

Art has the power to change the way we see the world.

Morally-explicit Art calls on artists to become more conscious of the social messages they portray through their works and to make them explicit. It weaves together these messages of common purpose using a common language of human values, such as love, trust, peace, togetherness and joy.

It takes these individual messages and transforms them into a cohesive, unrelenting, irresistible demand for a world of morality, compassion and universal fairness.

The Echo Chamber Effect

Unconnected messages hum and fade over time. Connected messages roar and spread.

Entwine your messages for social change with the thousands of morally-explicit artists who share your use of the common language of values to echo and amplify your ideas all around the world.